May 22, 2009

Perks of the job

I am a frequent contributing photographer for Inside Columbia magazine. Tonight I covered the kick-off wine dinner for the upcoming Food & Wine Festival set to take place in June. The event was held at the Reynold's Alumni center on campus, dinner was held at the University Club.
What was really cool is that Chef Pliska invited me into the kitchen to take pics of the team of chefs plating the food for the 6-course meal. He was such a nice guy, he even let me try some of the courses! Here's a pic of the first course, a scallop ensemble that I was lucky enough to get to eat, and pic of Chef Pliska preparing the delicious entree.
I recommend attending the wine dinner at the U-Club Thursday, June 25th. The food will be PHENOM! Here's a link to the menu for that night:

May 20, 2009

New Website, New Logo, New Opportunities

I've never advertised my photography business before. I've relied on word-of-mouth (aka: free) advertising to acquire new business. It wasn't until I met my new boss, the fabulous Dawn Shields that I really understood how extra time and energy spent on advertising/branding/website design would really help me grow my business. Above is my first ad, set to appear in Metropolitan Bride magazine come July '09. I designed it, the logo and everything. I think it's pretty good for my first try, and the fact that I have no graphic design training whatsoever. I'm excited to enter this new period in the life of my business. I can't wait to see what's to come.